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Hamer Trading, Inc.
Stock Index Program "B"
Managed Account US Dollars
There is no performance data for this program
The STOCK INDEX PROGRAM utilizes a systematic approach that employs a group of short term trading models, which trade the E-MINI S&P 500 futures contract. These systems are based on technical analysis; but utilize some discretion in the entries and exits (approximately 5% discretion). Several of the models are trend following in nature and try to capture one to three day moves within the marketplace. The utilization of multiple models that vary on how they enter and exit the market has shown that drawdowns can be reduced significantly without harming the overall return. In addition, to the use of multiple models, time based exits, and profit targets, the utilization of counter-trending systems further enhance the overall strategy. With its dependence on one market sector (i.e. stock indexes), the program is at the risk of the volatility (rapid price fluctuations) associated with this market. Concentration within an individual market can substantially increase the risk in any program due to the lack of diversification associated with such a strategy. Hamer Trading Inc. is unique in its approach of incorporating multiple models for trading an individual market. The utilization of multiple models that vary on how they enter and exit the market has shown that drawdowns can be reduced significantly without harming the overall return. In addition to the use of multiple models, the various uses of both time based exits, profit targets and the utilization of counter -trending systems further enhance the overall strategy and gives this program a substantial edge over one or two model programs.
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